SLC Airport Deicing Pad

The Deicing Pad Construction Project associated with runway 34R was an integral part of the ongoing Salt Lake City International Airport Expansion.  Completion of this project by Wadsworth Brothers Construction added a vital lifeline to Airport Operations by providing a much needed deicing facility on the eastern portion of the airfield, significantly reducing the amount of ground time aircraft needed to travel to reach the existing facilities.  Major work items of this Deicing Pad include 176,000 SY of both 16-inch portland cement concrete pavement and 6-inch lean concrete base (totaling 108,000 CY of concrete), 300,000 CY of total earthwork, 16,000 LF of drainage with 73 drainage structures, and approximately $6 million in total airfield electrical systems and lighting.  Wadsworth Brothers was able to configure the project to allow unimpeded aircraft traffic through and around the construction zones, while simultaneously progressing work at an accelerated rate.


Salt Lake Department of Airports

Completion Date

May 2015


Salt Lake County, UT