Bangerter 600 W

Wadsworth Brothers Construction (WBC) delivered an outstanding project that addressed critical transportation needs for one of the fastest-growing communities in Utah and increased safety on I-15 ramps and cross streets.

For many years, the intersection at Bangerter Highway and 200 West in Draper, Utah caused congestion and backup onto mainline I-15. The purpose of the Bangerter 600 West Interchange project was to improve safety by reducing congestion associated with the 200 West intersection’s close proximity (only 1,320 feet) to the I-15 interchange. This project was mentioned as a future need in the Bangerter Highway EIS in 1997. A Record of Decision was received in 2012, which included the installation of a grade-separated interchange at 600 West and the modification of the 200 West intersection to a right-in, right-out.

The grade-separated interchange on one of Utah’s busiest roads improved traffic safety and alleviated congestion. The final design was functional and cost-effective and used partial-depth precast deck panels (11,000 SF), MSE walls, and prestressed concrete girders (UTB 82, 16 each at 170’-0). To address project challenges, WBC as the Design-Builder successfully worked around an existing sewer line by shifting the bridge alignment, avoided settlement issues by taking 600 West underneath Bangerter, and dealt with a low water table only 2 feet below the road base by using bigger subgrade rock and raising the height of Bangerter. Concrete particulars include lean concrete base course (87,000 SY), PCCP (83,000 SY), and bridge deck (1,478 CY).



Completion Date

June 2018


Salt Lake County, UT